Amazing reporting Sanjana, thank you. This unlocks a lot about why Oakland can't hold onto a Police Chief or improve its outcomes. As far as Warshaw, one could argue that his self-interest in keeping his contract is compromising the overall quality of life of Oakland residents and costing lives - that's some evil shit.
March 2024: 'CPRA and the law firm finished their investigations in March, finding that 8 officers, including 4 commanders, were responsible for a range of violations that allowed Tran to return to work despite the bribery and perjury allegations. Three officers were found to have obstructed the internal affairs case investigating the allegations against Phong Tran." Officer Phong Tran is currently being charged with perjury and bribing a witness.
It seems like every time OPD is doing well, another scandal is brought to the public. Why are people mad at Robert Warshaw for doing his job?
OPD has hundreds of officers. If you believe that having not a single one of them ever turn out to be a screwup is a reasonable standard to hold them to, then you are going to be waiting a very long time to see that come to fruition.
It’s ironic that this oversight was initially started to combat racism, given that its outcome is to allow a leech like Warshaw to attach himself forever to a struggling working class city with 70% of its residents being nonwhite, sucking our money out by the gallon while simultaneously eroding public safety and destroying our police department. All done from the comfort of his Upstate NY mansion.
Your argument sidesteps the real issue: OPD’s internal affairs process has repeatedly failed to hold officers accountable, which is why federal oversight still exists. This isn’t about expecting zero 'screwups'—it’s about a pattern of misconduct being ignored, downplayed, or mishandled by the very department meant to police itself. If internal affairs actually did its job, Warshaw wouldn’t have a job. Blaming oversight while ignoring the failures that made it necessary is like blaming the fire alarm for the fire
There are plenty of times when OPD has been on the cusp of escaping this system, but been held back by minor technicalities. Pointing to incidents that’ve happened over the years before or since doesn’t change that fact. Nor does it change the reality that our broke city can’t afford to pay useless consultants who’ve had years to address a problem with only subjective criteria and zero accountability. This is a waste of our money.
i repeat.. 8 officers, including 4 commanders, were responsible for a range of violations that allowed Phong Tran to return to work despite the bribery and perjury allegations.
4 Commanders = Leadership. Its not a few bad apples.
He is not doing his job. If he did, there would be improvements across many metrics, this has been going on 20 years - THEY ARE DOING A BAD JOB. How can you be so wrong and type it out for all to see?
Robert Warshaw is the federally appointed monitor overseeing the Oakland Police Department (OPD) as part of a court-mandated reform process that began in 2003. His role is to ensure OPD complies with reforms required under the Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA). His job is to monitor OPD, not fix it
That is 100% false. He reports to a Federal judge - only after the Judge decides, based on his testimony, which can be lies or moved goal posts or both.
The Mayors, the anti-police council, the anti-police oversight board, the anti-police mayors, the anti-police privacy commission, the anti-police NGO's, and anti-police progressive activists make it hard.
Blood on all their progressive hands.
The monitor is a GIANT ENORMOUS SCAM. He and other lawyers have gotten rich of it.
This seems like an argument that Warshaw is doing a very bad job. He's had over a decade to work on this and these scandals still happen.
But even if you disagree, the fact that he's paying himself for the "consulting" work and never visits Oakland should smack of corruption and self-dealing to you.
Robert Warshaw is the federally appointed monitor overseeing the Oakland Police Department (OPD) as part of a court-mandated reform process that began in 2003. His role is to ensure OPD complies with reforms required under the Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA). His job is to monitor OPD, not fix it
That's the whole point the author is making - he defines what success looks like and then decides whether OPD has done it or not. If he's collecting ~$90K / month, what possible incentive does he have for OPD to actually improve?
Warsaw was wrong about the 4 officers he demanded be fired over the Pawlic shooting. Tran isn't convicted of any crimes (yet) and is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers. If Tran is eventually found not guilty, the 8 officers and 4 commanders would then also be wrongfully accused, yes?
OPD can't police itself. I'm not sure why people try to ignore it.
"Oakland Police Department Deputy Chief Drennon Lindsey — the wife of former OPD Chief LeRonne Armstrong — and lead internal affairs investigator Sgt. Mega Lee were served with notices of intent to terminate, according to the sources, who spoke to the Bay Area News Group on the condition of anonymity.
Capt. Kevin Kaney faces a lengthy suspension, while Lt. Hamann Nguyen could end up demoted, the sources said. All four officers have the right to appeal the proposed discipline, and to appear before a hearing officer at what is known as a Skelly hearing."
This is an extremely one-sided argument, not a “Report” on OPD’s federal oversight. This is why I’m afraid to vote for Loren Taylor: I like his ideas but I’m against the hateful attitudes of people like this author (check her Twitter!), who have Taylor’s ear.
I’m just going to say one name as a counterpoint to this post-Celeste Guap.
The Celeste Guap case is indeed horrible, but the question here is whether Warshaw’s continued oversight is actually needed to stop abuses like that in the future. As I mention, OPD has several other oversight bodies (OPC and CPRA, the Mayor, IAD) that could investigate and punish that kind of abuse without the need to keep an interloper like Warshaw on payroll for $1 million/year indefinitely. The demoralization and culture of secrecy that Warshaw’s influence fosters may ultimately produce more abuses than it uncovers.
Makes zero sense. A number of bad actors in a 700+ organization a few years back...and the whole department is to blame? There are scandals from bad apples at all sorts of orgs.
Then oversight has gone on 20 years. The people in charge are ELECTED OFFICIALS. OPD is part of a poorly managed ENTIRE LOCAL government. You could not have a worse take and cutting of nose to spite face.
We need GOOD leadership at mayor and city council, not feckless progressives...
Since Warshaw probably won’t release a report saying OPD has met all of its goals any time soon, I think the most realistic path is that the city attorney petition Orrick directly to end oversight. The decision ultimately lies in the judge’s hands, though.
The city of Oakland would prefer not to have a police department, but finds it can’t get by without one, so it heavily regulates the one it has, causing demoralization and corruption, giving power to those who don’t care about its effectiveness,including some of the cops on the street. I don’t blame them. Nothing can change this, nothing will change it until crime gets so bad, the people of Oakland are forced to reconsider long held opinions. Decades?
Does the City have the ability to bid out the federal oversight contract? If not, why does this consultant get a pass on public procurement practices for hiring? That’s a lot of money for a no bid contract!
Infuriating. Warshow so obviously exploits a conflict of interest that I wonder why he hasn't been questioned, evaluated, thrown out. What's the most practical way for Oaklanders to make this happen?
Can the new US Attorney to be appointed by the Trump Administration choose to unilaterally cancel the oversight program? After all, if the city's elected officials wish to continue this, they can simply do this on their own without a federal decree.
The City also has two police oversight bodies. The Review Agency, which seems to have extraordinary power, and a city council-appointed Commission. None of that was functional back in the 1990s. Isn't that enough police-of-the police? What value-added is Warshaw at this point? The Killpatrick lawsuit is pretty damming in itself.
This is an insane take. OPD has been attacked in every way possible. Hostile mayors, hostile city council, hostile privacy commission, hostile oversight boards, hostile federal monitor, and even, like this poster hostile residents.
This has been going on 20 years.
The city government, manages OPD - hires the chief, fires the chief. Is it the geography causing the problem after 20 years? The weather? The name Oakland? No, of course not. So then why has OPD been a problematic org?
Is Oakland a crime leader as a result as well? What about the budget? What about OUSD the school district? What about blight and homelessness? What about indicted officials? What about loss of all major sports teams? What about business flight?
IT IS PROGRESSIVE FAILED LEADERSHIP. Nothing less and nothing more. A single political party, corrupted by power, and money (like Sheng Thao) is to blame.
The above poster is likely part of that awful cabal or at leasts supports it. Do not listen to progressive lies. It's not just OPD - IT IS THE WHOLE CITY. The whole city has been infected with a progressive virus, and to no one surpise OPD has been a punching bag for these wackos.
These people are so so so bad for god, and they post publicly as well to miscolor the obvious. Shameful!
Wow. Thanks Sanjana. Very disturbing. Let’s hope your article contributes to prompt reform.
Amazing reporting Sanjana, thank you. This unlocks a lot about why Oakland can't hold onto a Police Chief or improve its outcomes. As far as Warshaw, one could argue that his self-interest in keeping his contract is compromising the overall quality of life of Oakland residents and costing lives - that's some evil shit.
The oversight is a giant scam. It has enriched MANY people at the expense of Oakland and Oakland residents. Safety, a functional department, etc.
The progressive cabal that attacks OPD any chance they get are complicit and must be voted out like extracting a virus from a host.
An important, if often retold, story. With all the emergencies here we tend to forget some root causes, such as Robt. Warsaw.
March 2024: 'CPRA and the law firm finished their investigations in March, finding that 8 officers, including 4 commanders, were responsible for a range of violations that allowed Tran to return to work despite the bribery and perjury allegations. Three officers were found to have obstructed the internal affairs case investigating the allegations against Phong Tran." Officer Phong Tran is currently being charged with perjury and bribing a witness.
It seems like every time OPD is doing well, another scandal is brought to the public. Why are people mad at Robert Warshaw for doing his job?
OPD has hundreds of officers. If you believe that having not a single one of them ever turn out to be a screwup is a reasonable standard to hold them to, then you are going to be waiting a very long time to see that come to fruition.
It’s ironic that this oversight was initially started to combat racism, given that its outcome is to allow a leech like Warshaw to attach himself forever to a struggling working class city with 70% of its residents being nonwhite, sucking our money out by the gallon while simultaneously eroding public safety and destroying our police department. All done from the comfort of his Upstate NY mansion.
Your argument sidesteps the real issue: OPD’s internal affairs process has repeatedly failed to hold officers accountable, which is why federal oversight still exists. This isn’t about expecting zero 'screwups'—it’s about a pattern of misconduct being ignored, downplayed, or mishandled by the very department meant to police itself. If internal affairs actually did its job, Warshaw wouldn’t have a job. Blaming oversight while ignoring the failures that made it necessary is like blaming the fire alarm for the fire
There are plenty of times when OPD has been on the cusp of escaping this system, but been held back by minor technicalities. Pointing to incidents that’ve happened over the years before or since doesn’t change that fact. Nor does it change the reality that our broke city can’t afford to pay useless consultants who’ve had years to address a problem with only subjective criteria and zero accountability. This is a waste of our money.
i repeat.. 8 officers, including 4 commanders, were responsible for a range of violations that allowed Phong Tran to return to work despite the bribery and perjury allegations.
4 Commanders = Leadership. Its not a few bad apples.
Why do we need this guy though? Mayor can fire people just fine. And is actually accountable to the people of Oakland.
This dude’s just collecting a bag. Doubt he’s ever walked 10 blocks in Oakland.
He is not doing his job. If he did, there would be improvements across many metrics, this has been going on 20 years - THEY ARE DOING A BAD JOB. How can you be so wrong and type it out for all to see?
Robert Warshaw is the federally appointed monitor overseeing the Oakland Police Department (OPD) as part of a court-mandated reform process that began in 2003. His role is to ensure OPD complies with reforms required under the Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA). His job is to monitor OPD, not fix it
That is 100% false. He reports to a Federal judge - only after the Judge decides, based on his testimony, which can be lies or moved goal posts or both.
The Mayors, the anti-police council, the anti-police oversight board, the anti-police mayors, the anti-police privacy commission, the anti-police NGO's, and anti-police progressive activists make it hard.
Blood on all their progressive hands.
The monitor is a GIANT ENORMOUS SCAM. He and other lawyers have gotten rich of it.
This seems like an argument that Warshaw is doing a very bad job. He's had over a decade to work on this and these scandals still happen.
But even if you disagree, the fact that he's paying himself for the "consulting" work and never visits Oakland should smack of corruption and self-dealing to you.
Robert Warshaw is the federally appointed monitor overseeing the Oakland Police Department (OPD) as part of a court-mandated reform process that began in 2003. His role is to ensure OPD complies with reforms required under the Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA). His job is to monitor OPD, not fix it
That's the whole point the author is making - he defines what success looks like and then decides whether OPD has done it or not. If he's collecting ~$90K / month, what possible incentive does he have for OPD to actually improve?
Zero, his incentive is to make it last as long as possible.
This is a scam in plain sight.
Warsaw was wrong about the 4 officers he demanded be fired over the Pawlic shooting. Tran isn't convicted of any crimes (yet) and is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers. If Tran is eventually found not guilty, the 8 officers and 4 commanders would then also be wrongfully accused, yes?
OPD can't police itself. I'm not sure why people try to ignore it.
"Oakland Police Department Deputy Chief Drennon Lindsey — the wife of former OPD Chief LeRonne Armstrong — and lead internal affairs investigator Sgt. Mega Lee were served with notices of intent to terminate, according to the sources, who spoke to the Bay Area News Group on the condition of anonymity.
Capt. Kevin Kaney faces a lengthy suspension, while Lt. Hamann Nguyen could end up demoted, the sources said. All four officers have the right to appeal the proposed discipline, and to appear before a hearing officer at what is known as a Skelly hearing."
sources say Deputy Chief Drennon Lindsey was granted a medical retirement.
This is an extremely one-sided argument, not a “Report” on OPD’s federal oversight. This is why I’m afraid to vote for Loren Taylor: I like his ideas but I’m against the hateful attitudes of people like this author (check her Twitter!), who have Taylor’s ear.
I’m just going to say one name as a counterpoint to this post-Celeste Guap.
The Celeste Guap case is indeed horrible, but the question here is whether Warshaw’s continued oversight is actually needed to stop abuses like that in the future. As I mention, OPD has several other oversight bodies (OPC and CPRA, the Mayor, IAD) that could investigate and punish that kind of abuse without the need to keep an interloper like Warshaw on payroll for $1 million/year indefinitely. The demoralization and culture of secrecy that Warshaw’s influence fosters may ultimately produce more abuses than it uncovers.
Makes zero sense. A number of bad actors in a 700+ organization a few years back...and the whole department is to blame? There are scandals from bad apples at all sorts of orgs.
Then oversight has gone on 20 years. The people in charge are ELECTED OFFICIALS. OPD is part of a poorly managed ENTIRE LOCAL government. You could not have a worse take and cutting of nose to spite face.
We need GOOD leadership at mayor and city council, not feckless progressives...
Thank you for writing this article.
What are the next steps in emerging from the Federal Oversight?
Since Warshaw probably won’t release a report saying OPD has met all of its goals any time soon, I think the most realistic path is that the city attorney petition Orrick directly to end oversight. The decision ultimately lies in the judge’s hands, though.
The city of Oakland would prefer not to have a police department, but finds it can’t get by without one, so it heavily regulates the one it has, causing demoralization and corruption, giving power to those who don’t care about its effectiveness,including some of the cops on the street. I don’t blame them. Nothing can change this, nothing will change it until crime gets so bad, the people of Oakland are forced to reconsider long held opinions. Decades?
Thank you for exposing the OPD oversight scam. Get Warshaw out and away ASAP please!
Could there be opportunities to lobby for this needed change by involving our state and/ or federal representatives?
Why doesn’t the City’s Attorney’s Office intervene and remove this federal oversight?
The city attorney doesn’t have jurisdiction over federal oversight, unfortunately. The only person who can end it is Judge Orrick.
Does the City have the ability to bid out the federal oversight contract? If not, why does this consultant get a pass on public procurement practices for hiring? That’s a lot of money for a no bid contract!
The city attorney could petition the court to end the oversight. This is not a good look for the court to simply let this drag on.
Especially when you have a jury and an arbitrator after examining the evidence making findings that contradict the monitor
Infuriating. Warshow so obviously exploits a conflict of interest that I wonder why he hasn't been questioned, evaluated, thrown out. What's the most practical way for Oaklanders to make this happen?
Can the new US Attorney to be appointed by the Trump Administration choose to unilaterally cancel the oversight program? After all, if the city's elected officials wish to continue this, they can simply do this on their own without a federal decree.
Not journalism. Biased from the get-go.
I’m sure you read Oaklandside and consider it your Bible.
The City also has two police oversight bodies. The Review Agency, which seems to have extraordinary power, and a city council-appointed Commission. None of that was functional back in the 1990s. Isn't that enough police-of-the police? What value-added is Warshaw at this point? The Killpatrick lawsuit is pretty damming in itself.
This is an insane take. OPD has been attacked in every way possible. Hostile mayors, hostile city council, hostile privacy commission, hostile oversight boards, hostile federal monitor, and even, like this poster hostile residents.
This has been going on 20 years.
The city government, manages OPD - hires the chief, fires the chief. Is it the geography causing the problem after 20 years? The weather? The name Oakland? No, of course not. So then why has OPD been a problematic org?
Is Oakland a crime leader as a result as well? What about the budget? What about OUSD the school district? What about blight and homelessness? What about indicted officials? What about loss of all major sports teams? What about business flight?
IT IS PROGRESSIVE FAILED LEADERSHIP. Nothing less and nothing more. A single political party, corrupted by power, and money (like Sheng Thao) is to blame.
The above poster is likely part of that awful cabal or at leasts supports it. Do not listen to progressive lies. It's not just OPD - IT IS THE WHOLE CITY. The whole city has been infected with a progressive virus, and to no one surpise OPD has been a punching bag for these wackos.
These people are so so so bad for god, and they post publicly as well to miscolor the obvious. Shameful!