Jun 25Edited

I appreciate you calling out Rebecca Kaplan's lie (via a Twitter post) about crime dropping with data that showed the decline in Shot-Spotter activations while ignoring other categories of crime (some of which have increased as you mentioned).

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As always-well referenced and presented numerical data, no nonsense reporting,

thankyou for distilling the relevant information, into easily understandable format for most folks.

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Thank you! There is so much information out there that is often skewed to support a particular position. This report is straight forward supported by data

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Thank you sincerely for the time taken to research and share this data. I care what politicians do, not what they say. In my opinion, Oakland leadership, including City Council and the DA need to go because they've done nothing but set policies that will destroy our town... and we voted for them! I have wondered for many years if anyone has the depth or character necessary to turn things around.

What also matters is the perception we have about our safety when we're out and about town. My perception is that no-one is safe in this town and city leadership doesn't care.

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Jun 26Edited

"Two of the most significant deterrents of future crime are: (1) incapacitation of criminal activity by removing repeat offenders from the streets—50% of crimes are committed by 2-5% of criminals; (2) the certainty of getting caught." Most criminal statutes site a third important deterrent of future crime in their preamble as well: the severity of punishment. If a person faces 25 to life for participating in a side show but there is not greater likelihood of being caught, there will still be a strong deterrent effect. Basically the reason more people by lottery tickets when the jackpot becomes larger.

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