The City of Oakland OBVIOUSLY should REDUCE their payroll expenses (no more prospective new city employee millionaires- there are at least five hundred of them millionaires there since 2023).

The property owners who carry the tax burden can NO LONGER accept a situation where there are CONSTANT annual added measures, fees, increased license fees, increased permit fees, "fake" or extorsion schemes in the format of ghost code enforcement penalties and other schemes from the city to drain dollars from the unsuspecting citizens and poor applicants to a city permit application.

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I have little hope of significant changes. the city council ignores the vote for police funding with “guaranteed” staffing levels which were never met ( due to some ludicrous other “emergency” and they expect us to vote for more taxes!!!

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Yes, thank you for this. Passed it on and posted it to ND.

I doubt whether councils will take any of it into consideration, as they’ve ignored the general populace for years, bringing us to the stage we’re in,

But hey, worth a try.

Thanks again.

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Thanks for this!

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Good survey

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